Julie's Elizabethan Merchant

Cuz pumpkin pants are so IN this summer...

Monday, August 28, 2006

A Snail's Pace...

...better than no pace at all, I suppose.

I think this just over half of the slops-couched, but yet to be fully assembled. If I keep watching TV/movies and couching at this pace, I should be finished before I die. ;) I'm giving myself til Thursday to keep working on these, and then I reserve the right to move onto my own jacobean jacket outfit, since its debut will be before this one. Poor, poor hubby....

couching--Sorry for the extra-special-crappy photography.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Slop Experiments--Round II

So, after deciding the buttonhole approach just wouldn't do/didn't look period/was generally "blah"....
Hubby and I revamped the idea. We decided to do chevrons with a bisector, as seen on a doublet from Janet Arnolds PoF.

Here's my experiment. Imperfect in its straightness, but well, um, that's period, right? ;):

slop prototype

I'm still going to slash the ribbon edges like in my first go round, but its not done in this example.

Anywho...only 27? more to go...This is how i'll be spending my 6 hour ride to NC. We're going on vacation this week!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Gearing Up

I have been reminded that I have but 7 weeks to finish the costume for my next definite faire date. And since I want to finish hubby's before I start mine, that means I have only 7 weeks to finish TWO costumes. That was an inspiring thought...

I didn't get as much done this weekend as I might've liked, but at least I did something! First, I worked on getting Adam's shirt wearable so that I could fit a doublet over it:

shirt collar

The shirt isn't actually finished--there are still buttons and button loops to be added to the sleeve cuffs, and I'm considering doing a black border on the cuffs to make it go better with the top of the shirt. I figure the 6 hour drive to NC we have next weekend will give me plenty of time for such handwork:

Having the shirt in hand, I wanted to work on the doublet pattern while the model was available and willing. The flemish doublet, while appropriate for peasant gear, is not structured enough for higher class elizabethan wear. I started with that pattern and altered it until it was snug but comfy, and fiddled for a seemingly interminable amount of time trying to figure out the blasted collar. Collars are a PITA!

doublet fitting

I also wanted one of the v like collar backs, so I'm working on getting this to lie flat. I think its just a matter of carefully handworking it, and I didn't want to waste my time doing that on a mockup:

I think I'm gonna really like this detail (unless it all goes horribly wrong!!!).

That's all for now. Tomorrow I hope to cut out the lining and fashion fabric for the real doublet. And maybe cut out some of the slops so I can have them all ready to couch with cord for my long car-ride. Wish me luck!