Julie's Elizabethan Merchant

Cuz pumpkin pants are so IN this summer...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Almost Finished!

Its obvious that I was sewing frantically towards the end of this outfit, because I didn't post anything! I did manage to finish the doublet before our trip to the MD and PA faires this past weekend, though I didn't get to the sleeves. Which was rather unfortunate, considering how chilly it was. Poor Adam....

I really thought I'd have plenty of time for sleeves, but the doublet details turned out to take far longer than expected. I stuck with the slash idea, and because the wool I used was lightweight and thin, it wasnt' the sort that holds slashes. I faced the slashes in the same ribbon that I used along the slop panes, and I slashed it along the doublet the same way. Since I didn't want the ribbon's anchoring stitches showing through to the outside, I had to line the doublet (I chose pink linen), then turn the egding in, and then stitch only through the linen layer. Honestly, the stitches did manage to make it through to the outside in a few places, and they bother me, but I'm sure no one else would notice (too much)...

Here is a pic of the slashing process. Its like Valentine's day puked...


And some of the whole ensemble, sleeves to follow:

adam close--as you can see, the buttons were nixed in favor of hidden hookneyes. I actually think i'll leave it like this...I think it looks nice with the clean lines.

adam action

adam back--there were many comments on the stuffed "jiggly butt"!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

12 Hours Behind Schedule

I expected to be finished hubby's slops by lunchtime today. It is exactly 12 hours later. ;) We won't speak of the great frustration that one experiences when they discover they've made two right legs and completley neglected the left. That really sets one back....

Without futher ado, the Spidey slops (of 293 pieces, weighing somewhere between 3 and 4 pounds):

Front--ugh, look how chaotic my house is! And doesn't this look great with a T shirt? Hehe....

And the back... Never thought of Adam as a pear shape before, but now I have!

Left to do on slops:
1) Codpiece? I do want one, but I might not do it for this weekend's wear. (edit: I totally lied..I did this before I went to bed last night! Its pretty, way better than the walrus. )
2) Couching the canions. I won't do this now, but I think it might look nice as an addition later. LATER.... hehe

And then, of course, I need to do the doublet. I'll hopefully make good headway on that tomorrow.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Math is the Debil!

After sewing numerous straight lines, I got to thinking....

Panes (lining, outer, ribbon edges): 104 pieces
Cords used for couching (thank god this is done!): 176
Base pieces (lining and outer): 8
Canions (outer and lining, yet to be made): 4
Waistband: 1

Which takes these slops to a grand total of 293 pieces. Wowser! I wonder how much these things'll weigh? Good thing we bought hubby that belt!

I'm still working on assembling the slop pains. Mispelling intentional. ;)
Off to bed...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

New Shoes, Too.

I've literally taken a page out of Beth's diary and made some "new" shoes for adam, using the same handy instructions.

I used some black men's dress shoes from the goodwill, though mine were $8 instead of Beth's lucky $1.50 find (D.C. goodwill inflation?). They were super shiney to start, so I "polished" them with a sandpaper block. Horrifying idea in real life, but really satisfying for costuming. They're still kinda shiny, but much less "is that plastic or leather?" They are leather, though, I assure you. ;)

I didn't have the good sense to take a before picture, but here is the after. I guess i'm gonna have to trim some of the lining from the instep on the left one, cuz you can see the white peaking through:

"new" shoes